Are you ready to be a boss?

Find the package that matches your needs.



Basic Boss Babe

Includes working on the individual’s resume, creating a form that best describes who they are and what makes them a Boss Babe.

*This includes your professional resumes and pageant resumes + fact sheets.




Level Up Boss Babe

This package includes building the individual's professional resume, a cover letter for the position they are applying for, and also a 30 minute interview coaching session to ensure that this Boss Babe is ready to slay that interview and nail the job.

*For my pageant Boss Babes, this includes interview coaching along with your resume + fact sheets




Ultimate Boss Babe

This package includes all of the above, plus a 30 minute complimentary follow-up coaching call that will include a style guide to match the position the individual applied for, so they can walk into the office every day not just feeling like a Boss Babe, but looking like one too.

*For my pageant Boss Babes, this includes interview coaching along with your resume + fact sheets, wardrobe consulting, walking, and one 15-minute talent consultation. Additional fees apply for talent choreography.