Long Time, No Talk

We all face seasons in life that are different for everybody. A season of heartbreak, a season of change, a season of happiness, depression, the list goes on and on, but ultimately people need time. Normalizing mental health has been a growing trend for years, but it’s not until you’re in the thick of it to realize you need time to heal.

I created this website to demonstrate the many different ways to be a “Boss Babe,” when in reality I didn’t feel like one at all. I thought I could shield my emotions and just carry on. You know the song from Taylor Swift, “I can do it with a broken heart,” well it’s real but only for so long. Now this post is not meant to be sappy, it’s not meant to be depressing, if anything I hope any reader out there will see it as one of triumph and victory. It’s taken me a long time to heal and to realize walking away from something and someone that was not serving me is ok. In 2024, I’m ok with not being married at my age and no kids yet because I got out of something that emotionally and physically beat me down, so much so, that when it came time for me to walk away, I fought with myself asking, am I making the right decision? At the moment it was scary, but as time passed and the new year overcame us, I was ok. In fact, I’m better than ok, knowing I did what was right for me and my health.

Now you might wonder, Tess, why are you sharing all of this? No one needs to hear or see another sad story. Luckily, it’s not a sad story. It’s the opposite. I’m not going to get in the details of my past relationships in respect to those individuals, but I want any girl, or guy, to know that if something or someone is not providing purpose or serving you in a positive way, then leave. It’ll hurt like hell, but leave because in the long run, it’s all worth it. And who knows, you might just meet your Prince Charming in the most unique way possible.

Your fairy tale ending is there, you just have to trust the universe that when it’s right with time, it’s right.

Much love,


The Boss Babes Corner LLC


Pageants Meet Confidence