Boss Babe Interview Tips & Tricks

Have you experienced nerves while getting ready for an interview? Ever ask yourself if you wardrobe is ready for the job? Or even ask yourself if you had the right questions ready to ask the interviewer? If you answered yes to all of these questions, you are not alone, but I am here to share some helpful tips so you can land that dream job of yours.

Before I get into these tips and tricks, I have to ask you this first, do you look in the mirror and see a confident woman staring back at you? If you answered no, you’re also not alone in this. There is this immense pressure to feel that we must look a certain way to achieve or receive anything in life. In fact, 74% of women feel this pressure. I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to “look” a certain way, meaning you don’t have to have the perfect set of cheekbones or plump lips, or heaven forbid, the perfect hour glass figure to nail the job, because guess what? Perfect does not exist. You do, however, need to own your own confidence because that will carry into your professional work attire, your demeanor in the office, and your drive to perform the duties within your portfolio. So, look in the mirror. What do you see? Words of affirmation are key to feeling fulfilled because you are your best friend. You are your best advocate. You are that Boss Babe who can nail the interview. We can not support one another until we support ourselves. I am a firm believer in that, and when we feel confident and secure with ourselves, we will rise.

Did you know that only 3% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women? 3% ladies! What’s even scarier, if we get into politics here for a second, only 34 women have held the governor seat compared to 2,319 men. So, it starts with looking in the mirror, telling yourself, your best friend, that you are worth it, you are beautiful, and you are that Boss Babe. Start with putting notes on the mirror so every morning you see that note to yourself and say it out loud. Once you build that internal confidence, likely that light bulb will go off and you’ll be inspired to spruce up that wardrobe. I promise you, just a tweak here and there to get those staple items will make all the difference.

A good friend of mine, Andrea Mucino, now working in Public Information and Communications with the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and former Miss WV USA 2015, mentioned to me that wearing a pair of heels into the interview is also an immediate boost of confidence. No matter if it makes you the tallest person in the room, all eyes are on you and you are there to prove to them that you are the girl for the job. Own it girl! There have even been studies that prove wearing a pair of heels to the interview boosts a woman’s confidence. 

Now your wardrobe is not the only thing you should prepare with for the interview, you need to also prepare and practice. Which means, head back to that mirror, girl. Run through practice questions that may be asked of you in the mirror and talk them out. How would you answer that? If you feel confident in the mirror, you’ll feel confidence in front of the person(s) interviewing you the day of. You also want to make sure you listen carefully to what the interviewer is saying. Take that time to think about how you want to answer their question. You also want to avoid with buffer words or phrases like, “that’s a great question,” or “I haven’t thought of that…” the use of these phrases takes up time, so be direct in your responses.

During the interview, try to also develop a connection with the interviewer. I always like to have them laughing because even though you may be direct in your answers, you’re also showing your personality a little bit with them. This gives them a taste of how well you’d pair with them in the workplace environment. You also want to remember the interviewer’s name at the top of the interview. Stating their name back to them, even at the end of the interview, speaks volumes. 

Now while you focus on the interview itself, let’s briefly discuss researching and doing your homework on the company you are interviewing for. First and foremost, what do they do? Are they a service provider company? Will you be working customer service? How long has the company been around? Also note any changes they may have made over the years and if they’ve ever been in the media, be sure to note what may be going on with that company.

As you do your research, make sure to set your alarm. You want to have plenty of time to get ready for the interview, know where the location is, and where you need to go. If it’s a virtual interview because of, well you know, COVID, still get ready ahead of time and be presentable because nine out of ten times, the interview will be held either through Zoom or Microsoft Teams. So, make sure you have good internet connection, are in a quiet space, and are prepared for the interview well in advance.

Are you stressing? Don’t! Stay calm and find what calms you down ahead of time. This could be listening to music or podcasts, talking with a friend or loved one, doing anything that takes your mind off the interview itself will help you relax. It’s just a conversation at the end of the day, but at the conclusion of the interview, be sure to follow-up. A simple thank-you goes a long way. Even an email 24 hours after your interview, always say thank-you because they will remember your name and the impression you left with them during the interview. In fact, both an email or handwritten letter makes all the difference with hiring managers according to a study done by Robert Half. It may take some extra time, but if it means getting the job, it’s worth it in the Boss Babes book. 

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