The Boss Babes Mindset

Does the work day every get you down, maybe even a bit tense and stressed? If you answered yes to that question, here are some helpful tips I’ve learned along the way with that busy 9-5 work week life.


“You must learn to master a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.”

- Marianne Williamson

There are some excellent benefits to mindfulness meditation that I think may just be what everyone needs as we re-enter the workplace post-pandemic. In fact, did you know mindfulness improves one’s well-being? Yes! Increasing your mindfulness can lead to you becoming satisfied with life and allow you to enjoy the many pleasures life has to offer. You’ll become more fully engaged with people, live in the present and not focus on the past. It can even help with your self-esteem and allow you to connect with others more so than without mindfulness.

 There is also a health benefit to this too, ladies. Mindfulness can improve your physical and mental health by relieving stress, it can treat heart disease, lower your blood pressure, reduce chronic pain, and improve your sleep. Sign me up! By dedicating time in your day to take part in mindfulness meditation, you can reduce depression, conflict you may be experiencing in your life, anxiety, and even obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

So how does one start mindfulness meditation? That’s an excellent question. The way I do it is by siting in a quiet space, focus on my breathing, and just repeat the breaths slowly. I allow the thoughts to come and go through my mind without a care in the world because it’s “me time,” and I you’ll start to relax. You’ll notice sight, smells, sounds, tastes, and even touch through the air moving around you. You’ll let them pass through you without judgement, no words, just stillness.

 There are a number of ways to practice mindfulness, but I assure you that you will become more alert, focused, and cognizant of what’s going on without worrying about what’s going on. See, there’s a difference in that. You can only control so much, do not let the pressure of the day or the weight of one’s words bring you down. Ladies, you are Boss Babes, you are all-stars, and you can control what happens around you through the practice of mindfulness.

 For more information, go check out HelpGuide to read more about mindfulness and remember ladies, you’ve got this!


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