The Importance of Exercising as a Boss Babe

Are you one that is constantly on the move? Maybe you wake up at 5AM and by 4PM you’re exhausted from getting your kids ready, maybe the dog outside before you head into the office, and you’re too tired to exercise or get your body moving. If this sounds like you, look no further Boss Babe, here are some tips and tricks I’d like to share with you.

Did you know the average adult aged 18-60 years old, the recommended amount of sleep is about seven hours? Seven peaceful hours, and that’s the good kind! Do you get seven hours of solid sleep? If the answer is no, let’s change that. Not everyone is a planner, and that’s ok. However, prioritizing your day, no matter how busy you are, will help in the long run. Set time limits for yourself to complete tasks, create a checklist, and every time something is accomplished, check it off. Doesn’t that sound satisfying? Yes! You’re getting it, Boss Babe.

By adding things to a checklist and prioritizing your time, let’s add in that exercise time. Due to the pandemic, there has been an increase in online fitness applications, such as Obe Fitness, that essentially prioritize around your time and cater to your needs. You want to do a meditation class? Perfect, set aside ten minutes of your time to do so. How about a forty-five minute HIIT workout? You’ve got it! It’s that easy. The hard part is actually getting motivated to do it. Which leads me to my next question, what motivates you? Most importantly, why?

Have you ever wondered what your “why” is? It’s an interesting question that no one has the answer to, except for yourself. So why do you get out of bed each day? It is not a matter of you having to get out of bed, no, but why? Why do you choose to exercise? Is it because you want to be “skinny?” If the answer to that is yes, oh ladies we have some work to do! Your why should be meaningful. It should be something like, I choose to workout because I want to stay alive for as long as possible and keep up with my children. I choose to workout because I want to live a healthy lifestyle and avoid diseases that could prevent me from using my body and staying mobil. Or better yet, my “why” is because I want to look good and feel good everyday while looking in the mirror because I am important, I matter, and I am a Boss Babe. Find your why ladies!

Do not fall into these statistics of unhealthy lifestyles just because we are continuously grinding, working, and supporting ourselves and our families. Because did you know, that more than 60 percent of U.S. women do not engage in the recommended amount of physical activity, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Worst of all, physical inactivity is more common among women than men. Let us not fall victim to these statistics, get moving! Some of my favorite activities besides going to the gym or taking an Orange Theory class, I love yoga, playing pickle ball, golfing, hiking, and walking. So what activities do you enjoy? Send in your favorite activities and share them with your friends. Get involved and let’s get moving ladies!

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