Autumn Equinox for The Boss Babe

Call it autumn equinox, blame it on Mercury retrograde, what ever it is that has caused this Boss Babe some stress and some serious mood swings. Anyone else? It’s a shift in the air and if you’re feeling it too, welcome to the party! However, with the autumn equinox comes a season of change. This can mean a number of things, if you’re into signs and all, but right now career opportunities are coming in hot. It’s always been a little crazy to me, especially when discussing “signs.” I’ve never really been one to follow the signs, but as I’ve gotten older and embraced my inner yogi, I accept them.

Right now, we are coming into what is Libra season during the autumn equinox and something to keep in mind is putting yourself first. So, what does that mean? I’m glad you asked. Scorpio season comes into the fall months as well and both signs are ambitious and can speak their minds in a strategic way when it comes to careers. Take this energy as an opportunity within autumn equinox to ask for that raise or make that career change. There is no better time than now. I often times have to remind myself to do the same. If you want it, go after it, because guess what girlfriend… no one else is going to put you first except yourself. That’s the hard-cold truth we often have to learn when it comes to expanding our careers. 

If you’re looking to take a leap and make either a career change or expand your career, like I am currently taking on, I recommend you take that leap and do it! Now some people may follow signs, recognize energy, or welcome change willingly, that’s fine but I ask that you open your mind and try something new. Work on understanding why things are happening and embrace the why, don’t dwell on them. Accept change, the challenges, and if things feel like they’re at an all time low, refocus on why you are there and how you can fix it. It’s a hard pill to swallow, and although I am speaking solely on careers, this also goes towards your personal life as well.

I highly encourage you all to really take the time, understand your signs, and take a moment to breath. You can also find more information here from Readers Digest that really insightful too. You may be surprised what you learn about yourself.


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